Become a Link Partner

and get loads of free publicity
Fortnightly Inspiration
from JoJaffa
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Why become a link partner?

As a Link Partner your will be promoted for free. You have 3 excellent options to generate publicity, increase your traffic and search engine ranking. (more information on why swapping links is of such benefit)

Swap links

  • - if you set up a link to JoJaffa from your site then we will promote your site to the top of our link list directory. That means that many more people will see your site's link and will see that we have approved it. View some examples.

Offer content/ photos for free links/ publicity

  • - if we use your content or photos on our existing or new pages, then we will offer you a credited hyperlink back to your site.View some examples.

Swap ads or announcements

  • - if you have appropriate special offers or want to make special announcements to JoJaffa readers we can incorporate this into our newsletter in return for equal publicity.

JoJaffa's Link Partners may also be featured in the actual guide pages that relate to your site. So, if you are a canoeing link partner, you stand a very good chance of being featured in our canoeing guide pages. If you are a skiing site then you might be featured on the skiing page and so on.

What do I do next?

If you'd like us to be link partners then do this next:

How to swap links

  • You can choose either a graphical or a text link to link to JoJaffa. You are also welcome to link to any page of your choice.

    Text link options:

    Just copy accross the html and paste it into your page source.


    < a href="/index.html">Adventure Guide< /a> to life with JoJaffa

    Guide specific:

    < a href="/guides/skiing.htm">JoJaffa goes Skiing< /a> a guide to starting skiing

    Please feel free to replace 'skiing' with which ever guide page you feel is most relevant. Check JoJaffa's A-Z Index for a full list of current guides.

    Graphical link options include:

    ...these will follow shortly. If you'd like to be notified when these are available please send

How to offer content/ photos for free publicity

  • Send me an email at with proposed content or a site where I can view the content. Then, if your content/photos are appropriate we'll agree a link credit. We'll edit and agree the content before it goes live.

How to swap ads or announcements

  • Send me an email at with proposed ad or announcement so that I can view the content. Then, if your ads/ announcements are appropriate we'll agree a swap.

We believe that links swapping and content sharing is a great way to:

  1. Help your surfers and visitors find real value from your site
  2. Generate lots of free, high quality traffic

I know that we all fear that we'll just lose traffic to competitors if we swap links, but unfortunately, if we don't swap links in the first place we won't have any traffic to lose! It's a bullet that we just need to bite. If you are unsure, get hold of some independent literature on this subject and do some reading.

I was converted to a link swapper by Christina Daly's excellent article on how links swaps build your traffic. By the way, this is a lady who you'd expect to be promoting the benefits of her search engine placement service, rather than promoting the virtues of link swapping. It did it for me and if you are hesitating about swapping links, I recommend you read it first before you make up you mind.

Thanks for reading this and good luck with your website


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