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JoJaffa takes the Alpha Course

and meets Jesus

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Why....take the Alpha course?

Just for a moment, imagine having a greater sense of purpose. Something of permanence and of value from which you can draw strength into your life.

War, work, recession, terrorism ...there must be more to the new millennium than this!

At times like these, we all get caught up in the excitement of things – but inevitably there always comes a moment for reflection. A time to ask the question, what’s it all about then?

Well, what is it all about? After the hangover has eased and as the wondrous firework parties fade in our memory, you are still left with that same old question. Here we are at the beginning of not only a New Year but also a new century and new millennium too. In so many ways this is a momentous occasion, a time of great expectation and yet, you are still left wondering what it’s all about? What is the point of it all?

Here, faith can be a great strength in our lives.

In so much that we do, whether its work, pleasure or family, we hope that it will work out for the best and that we will do well. We hope that we will cause great things to happen and we have great hopes for our achievements.

Yet, this hoping can also be a reason for nervousness or fear. What if it doesn’t work out the way you had hoped? What if the deal doesn’t come off, if no one decides to publish your book or can’t find that ideal job? What then?

That’s where a relationship with Jesus just might make the difference.

Imagine that you knew that no matter what calamity or disappointment or set back was to befall you, your project and your life could only be strengthen by it and that you would be better prepared for the role in life that you were meant to fulfil. Wouldn’t that be a source of great strength? For many, this is the rock on which their life is based. It is a rock that supports you as you choose a different direction in life and as you choose to live your life by greater values.

Imagine that you also had a capacity to forgive those that have disappointed you, hurt you or let you down. Or even, if you could be forgiven for the shadier things that you have done. If you really could be released from the guilt and remorse.

Again, imagine that you no longer hungered for the essence of life but carried a calmness with which you could deal with the threats and fears and crises of other people and of every day life. Imagine for a moment what a difference you might make to other people, if you knew you could not fail.

Read the wonderful story of how Ali found the strength and confidence to really live her life.

Tell us what got you interested in being a Christian.

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Getting started

Crucially, Christianity is first and foremost about relationships rather than rules. It is about a person rather than a philosophy. It is about the most important relationship of all: our relationship with the God who made us.

Jesus said that the first and greatest commandment is to love God. The second is to love our neighbour. So it is also about our relationships with other people.

It’s because Christianity is so firmly based on relationships, that people only experience the love of God through a relationship. And like all relationships, it takes two parties to build it.

In fact, here’s a thing; God will not chase after you. If you choose not to build a relationship with Him, then nothing will happen.

So, for many, God and Christianity is a path of discovery. And like our own relationships, many of us will be cautious at first. It’s almost as if we watch each other out of the corner of our eyes. Interested, but not committed. A little uncertain perhaps, but also intrigued.

Doubt is also a key part of this relationship. A doubt about whether it will work out. Or, questions about whether there really is anything in it for you. That’s why the Alpha course has become so popular world wide. It is a series of talks looking at topics such as ‘who is Jesus’ and ‘why and how do I pray? After each talk you divide into small groups for a time of discussion. It provides a opportunity to explore your doubt and consider your relationship with God in a non confrontational way. You even get to eat supper – a small contribution may be requested.

The Alpha course is also an opportunity to raise concerns that you may have or get resolved things that you may have heard about Jesus. You may be asking yourself what relevance does Jesus have for our lives today? Or, is forgiveness really possible? You are invited to bring these thoughts to the course. Remember that Alpha is a place where no question is regarded as too simple or too hostile.

To find out about your local courses check out the Alpha website. Many start in early February, May or September. The main site for Alpha will link you to Alpha organisations in other countries. For instance if you live in the USA go directly to Alpha North America.

Check here if you are uncertain whether the Alpha course is for you.

Lastly, click here if you want to read the testimonies of other people who've been on the course or.

Trevor Patterson, Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Richmond, Surrey, runs alpha courses lasting about for ten weeks. You can email him on for further details, or visit the website for the Richmond Evangelical Churches.

Equally, you may wish to find out some more now in which case you can investigate it further or take a look at some of the excellent books written by Nicky Gumbel - co-founder of the Alpha courses.

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Getting more out of....being a Christian

“Why do I need Jesus 2000+ years later?”

To answer this question, take a look at the man and his claims.

When God made the world he made us to be in relationship with him – men and women were the pinnacle of his creation. But the Bible tells us that people destroyed this relationship choosing to go their own way. The result is that all of us are born out of relationship with God and until we come to him, there is a gap to be filled in our lives, a hunger that can only be satisfied by God.

Jesus said in John’s Gospel chapter 6v 35,

"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.

Jesus is the only one who can satisfy our deepest hunger because he is the one who makes it possible for our relationship with God to be restored.

Jesus not only gives us meaning in this life, he promises us life beyond death forever with him – only through Jesus can we find eternal life.

Jesus came to earth to die instead of us. The penalty for human wrongdoing was separation from God forever – death. God loves us and does not want us to pay this penalty, so he came to earth in his son Jesus and paid the penalty himself. His death means that we can be forgiven and be free – free from guilt, from fear and free from death itself!

By rising from the dead Jesus proved his power to conquer death and proved the reality of his promises.

We can know God, we can be forgiven, we can be sure that nothing will ever again separate us from the love of our maker! How? Because God came to us in Jesus, lived among us, died for us, rose from the dead and promises to come to all who invite him by his Holy Spirit.

His birth

When Jesus was born a group of highly intelligent philosophers and astrologers stopped everything and travelled from another country to acknowledge his birth. On arrival, they presented three symbolic presents one of which was gold, a present fit for a king. At the same time Angels appeared to some shepherds announcing that the Messiah, the long-awaited Saviour of Israel was born in the small town of Bethlehem.

His life

For just over three years of his life, Jesus travelled around Palestine teaching and performing miraculous healings – he made an impact wherever he went. He taught about God’s Kingdom and the fact that it had arrived with his coming - he was God’s son, the Saviour. Jesus claimed the authority to forgive sins and said that one day he would come to judge the world. Undoubtedly he perceived himself to be God revealed on earth.

Many admire Jesus for his teaching and exemplary life, but stop short of believing he was the Son of God. This presents difficulties, as the author CS Lewis points out, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn’t be a great moral teacher, he would either be a lunatic – on a level with a man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was and is the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse…..but don’t lets come up with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He hasn’t left that open to us. He didn’t intend to.”

His death

When he was about 33, Jesus was executed by crucifixion by the Roman authorities. The Jews, angered by his claims, accused him of blasphemy and persuaded a weak Roman Governor to have him crucified. Crucifixion was one of the cruellest forms of execution and was later banned by the Romans. Jesus died a horribly slow death in the midday heat surrounded by two convicted criminals.

His resurrection

Two days after his death, when his followers went to the tomb to tend the body of their master and friend, they found that the grave clothes had collapsed and that Jesus’ body was not there.

In the next six weeks he was seen by over 500 people before he went back to heaven. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus’ followers who had deserted him, were filled with new power and courage as they encountered the Lord Jesus coming to them by his Holy Spirit. The Christian Church was born, and grew at a phenomenal rate throughout the known world. The only satisfactory explanation for these events is that Jesus came back from the dead confirming his claims to be the Son of God.

And today?

Across the world 1.7 billion people in 254 countries (about 32.9% of the world’s population) claim to know God through the risen Jesus Christ. They have trusted their lives to Jesus and believe they have encountered him by his Holy Spirit who lives within them.

If you feel ready, you can meet Jesus now by acknowledging he is Almighty God and that you need him. In the Bible we are encouraged to repent and put our trust in Jesus: repentance literally means ‘turning around’ to follow Jesus, i.e. turning away from our own way of doing things and following him. Trusting Jesus means more than intellectually accepting he exists, it means putting our lives in his hands, allowing him to transform and guide us.

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Kit and caboodle

Need a good book, video or more advice? JoJaffa has picked out the best for you. For each book/ video just click on the amazon link find out the price and get more information.

If you can suggest any good books about being a Christian, let us know.

Recommended Reading

Books : God of Suprises
by Gerard Hughes
'God of Surprises will soon be recognised as one of the great books of spiritual guidance. It is a lovely, wise and lucid book of deep humanity. Above all, it is a useful book - a book to be used by those who find it hard to forgive themselves: the stumblers and agnostics who hardly dare believe that God is within them' Gerald Priestland

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Books : Questions of life
by Nicky Gumbel
The book version of the Alpha course. If you are unable or unwilling to attend an Alpha course and still want to investigate its ideas then this is the book for you. Written by Nicky Gumbel, one of the founders of the Alpha Course. As with all Nicky's books, the style is light and humourous and avoids preaching.

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Books : Searching Issues
by Nicky Gumbel
7 key objections to Christianity dealt with in a warm and humourous style. In this book Nicky Gumbel's legal training show through as he calmly dissects and responds to the core concerns with Christianity. This book is easy and light to read, yet effectively handles difficult issues such as sex before marriage, homosexuality, suffering, science and new age ideas. This is an excellent introduction for anyone considering or reviewing their faith in the light of our modern world.

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Books : God of Suprises
by Gerard Hughes
'God of Surprises will soon be recognised as one of the great books of spiritual guidance. It is a lovely, wise and lucid book of deep humanity. Above all, it is a useful book - a book to be used by those who find it hard to forgive themselves: the stumblers and agnostics who hardly dare believe that God is within them' Gerald Priestland

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Books : A life worth Living
by Nicky Gumbel
This third book by Nicky Gumbel, is intended as a work book on how to bring the promises of Jesus into your life. Again, light and easy to read yet carries great weight.

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Books : Christian Way
by C S Lewis
This collection of bite sized selections from the works of this 20th century author, demonstrate the enduring simplicity and warmth that make Lewis an enduring writer on christian topics.

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Books : New Lion Handbook to the Bible
by Pat and David Alexander
Beautiful, informative and captivating. This handbook provides a pictorial setting for the events of the bible and explores the meaning of the various passages. A easy and pleasurable introduction to the bible itself.

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Books : Lion PC Bible Handbook
by David Bayliss
A fully interactive version with clips and audio. Wonderful, but rather expensive.

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Spoil yourself

You can now buy fabulous versions of the Bible on cd-rom.

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